Measure Title
Outcome monitoring of ADHD functional impairment in children and youth
Measure Description
Percentage of children aged 4 through 18 years, with a diagnosis of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), who demonstrate a change score of 0.25 or greater on the Weiss Functional Impairment Rating Scale – Parent Report (WFIRS-P) within 2 to 10 months after an initial positive finding of functional impairment.
All patients aged 4 to 18 years of age who have a diagnosis of ADHD and receive a psychiatric or behavioral intake visit with a WFIRS-P total mean score of 0.65 or greater during the measurement period.
Denominator Criteria (Eligible cases):
Patients aged 4 to 18 years
Diagnosis for ADHD (ICD-10-CM): all ADHD diagnostic codes:
• F90 Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorders
• F90.0 Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, predominantly inattentive type
• F90.1 Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, predominantly hyperactive type
• F90.2 Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, combined type
• F90.8 Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, other type
• F90.9 Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, unspecified type
Patient encounter during the performance period (CPT): 0362T, 0373T, 90785, 90791, 90792, 90832,90833, 90834, 90836, 90837, 90838, 90839, 90840, 90845, 90846, 90847, 90849, 90853, 90863, 90875, 90876, 96110, 96112, 96113, 96116, 96121, 96127, 96130, 96131, 96132, 96133, 96136, 96137, 96138, 96139, 96146, 96156, 96158, 96159, 96164, 96165, 96167, 96170, 96171, 96178, 97129, 97130, 97151, 97152, 97153, 97154, 97155, 97156, 97157, 97158, 98966, 98967, 98968, 99201, 99202, 99203, 99204, 99205, 99212, 99213, 99214, 99215,99354, 99355, 99406, 99407, 99408, 99409, 99446, 99447, 99448, 99449, 99484, 99492, 99493, 99494, G2011, G2061, G2062, G2063, G0396, G0397, G0402, G0438, G0439
Weiss Functional Impairment Rating Scale – Parent Report (WFIRS-P) (total mean score of 0.65 or greater) at index
WFIRS-P follow-up score during the measurement period
Patients who demonstrated a positive improvement (a score reduction) of 0.25 or more points on the total mean score of the WFIRS-P assessment taken 2 to 10 months later.
Denominator Exclusions
Denominator Exceptions (PRO2009.3Y )
Patient refuses to participate or is unable to complete the questionnaire
NQF Number
NQS Domain
Effective Clinical Care
High Priority
High Priority Type
Measure Type
Patient Reported Outcome (PRO)
Meaningful Measure Area
Functional Outcomes
Inverse Measure
Proportional Measure
Continuous Variable Measure
Ratio Measure
Number of performance rates to be submitted
Measure Risk-Adjusted?
Care Setting
Ambulatory Care: Clinician Office/Clinic, Ambulatory Care: Hospital, Hospital, Hospital Inpatient, Hospital Outpatient, Long Term Care, Outpatient Services, Rehabilitation Facility, Rehabilitation Facility: Inpatient
Includes Telehealth?